Sankhya is one of the earliest philosophical schools of India, traditionally said to be established by Rishi Kapila whose original work Shastritantra is unfortunately lost today. The earliest sources we have today of this school is Sankhya Karika of Isvara Krishna which has a commentary on it by a great erudite scholar Vacaspati Mishra, his work is known as Tattva Kaumudi. Apart from that there are Sankhya Sutras with two commentaries one by Aniruddha known as Vritti and the other by Vijnanabhikshu known as Sankhya Pravacana Bhashya. Vijnanabhikshu is the greatest exponent of this system in latter times. PRAKRITI Prakriti is the cause of the manifest universe, both material and psychological. It is a state of equilibrium of the three Gunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These three though denoted by the term Guna are not qualities, they are rather feeling substances, the ultimate reals. Prakriti is a generic term for these three. Sattva denotes lightness or freedom, rajas restlessness a...
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