Sri Citsukha was an eminent Advaitin scholar in the 13 th Century A.D. His most important works are: 1. Adhikaranamanjari: a brief summary of contents of the adhikaranas in Sri Sankara’s Brahmasutra Bhashya. 2. Abhiprayaprakasika: A commentary on Sri Mandana Mishra’s Brahmasiddhi 3. Bhavaprakasika: a commentary on Sri Sankara’s Brahmasutrabhashya where he reconciles the differences between the Vivarana and Bhamati Schools. 4. Bhavadipika: a famous commentary on Sri Harsha’s Khandanakhandakhadya (sweetmeat of refutations). 5. Tattvaprakasika: a commentary on Sri Suresvara’s Naishkarmaya Siddhi. 6. Vivriti: a commentary on Sri Anandabodha’s Nyayamakaranda. 7. Vivati: a commentary on Sri Anandhabodha’s Pramanamala. 8. Tatparyadipika: a commentary on Sri Prakasataman Muni’s Panchapadika Vivarana. 9. Tattva Pradipika: an original treatise the purpose of which is to defend Advaita and criticize the viewpoints of its opponents. The first section of this work contains a systematic...
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