Karma is a theory that believes that there is a moral providence in the world. The nature of this providence is to reward good and punish evil actions. But there are four big problems with it: Injustice is a patent fact in the world. On the other hand Karma theory would have us believe that contrary to our everyday life experiences there is complete justice in the world. People get what they deserve. Hence blame the one who suffers. Anyone who is enjoying his riches even though ill won is a good man. How many times do we see that something bad happens to someone who is good and something good happens to morally reprehensible people? The theory of karma is not a theory that arises from the need to explain our everyday life experiences. It is a dogma and forces us to interpret our experience in the light of this dogma. Since it cannot explain why there is injustice and misfortune in the world it posits the concept of rebirth. One proposition is sought to be validated through anothe...
For Those Who Love Philosophy