Advaita Vedanta like Neo-Platonist philosophers Plotinus and Philo believe that the One is the source of the Many but in such a way that there is no change or loss of perfection in the causal transaction. However unlike other Vedanta schools of philosophy and Neo-Platonism; Advaita believes that the One cannot become the Many without ceasing to be what it is and yet it is the source of the world of diversity. These two ways of thinking are reconciled by denying the reality of the ‘Many’, the world of diversity is merely an appearance that seems to create differences within a difference-less and homogeneous entity - Brahman. Brahman is the source of the world only in the sense that it is the basis or the substratum of the world-illusion; which would thus not exist without Brahman - illusions always being one thing appearing as another they always require a substratum. Without a rope there would be no rope-snake illusion. The principle of the world appearance is however Brah...
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