is what cannot be sublated at any time and Asat is what cannot be cognized as
existing in any substratum whatsoever. It can be seen here that Asat is not the
negation of Sat; so denial of Sat does not imply Asat. Sat and Asat are
contraries not contradictory; hence the law of excluded middle is not violated.
There cannot be a single thing that is both Sat and Asat but the negation of
both Sat and Asat can reside in a single substratum; for example negation of
class-character of cow and of horse can reside in a camel but both cannot be
found together in a single substratum. This is what is meant by
Sat-Asat-Vilakshana and it defines Vyavaharika Satya; it is neither existent
nor non-existent.
there be something that is neither existent nor non-existent? Consider the
definition of Sat - that which cannot be negated at any time whatsoever. Can we
apply this definition to the world? No; because the world is sublated in
Brahman experience. To what can the definition be applied? It can be applied to
the Self; for the Self cannot deny its own existence since the denial would
presuppose the Self. Only Brahman / Atman is self-luminous i.e. it is capable
of being cognized without being an object of cognition. In case of other
objects we can be mistaken about their existence; since they admit of an
appearance - reality distinction but in the case of Self-consciousness there is
no gap between consciousness and existence; its existence is guaranteed by its
consciousness. Hence it is unsublatable while in the case of the world we
cannot eliminate the possibility that it might be sublated sometime in the
future. Hence the nature of existence in the case of Brahman and the world is
different and they have different degrees of reality; Brahman is of a higher
order of reality and hence is parmarthika Satya while the world possesses
vyavharika satya. The world is not Sat because it is different from Sat.
can the world be regarded different from Asat? Why is the world not Asat if it
is contradicted by Brahman-experience? Remember Asat means that which is not
capable of being cognized in any substratum whatsoever. But the world is
cognized to exist. Hence it is not Asat. Vyavaharika Satya also means conventional
existence. Our practical needs can be met only in Vyavharika realm. This is
because Sat is non-dual; but difference between objects is required for action
born of desire or repulsion. And something Asat cannot motivate any action nor
can ground its success. So successful activity is found only in the vyavharika
conceals the Self Luminous Brahman and projects the world (in the latter aspect
it is called maya and in the former avidya). It is an irrational and
indefinable category as explained above.
everything is One; then how do we account for the experience of difference in
everyday life? For this purpose we need to introduce the concept of upadhi
(property) or a differentiator. There are two kinds of differentiators -
essential and indicative. An essential differentiator belongs to a subject like
cow-ness or even the color brown - they reside within the subject. An
indicative differentiator does not reside in the subject but can serve as the
basis of differentiation of the subject. Like the crow in the example: There is
a crow sitting on top of Devadatta’s house. The crow is not part and parcel of
the house (it is in contact with the house) yet serves to differentiate it. Or
to use another example - Devadatta’s house is to the left of Rama’s house. ‘To
the left’ of is an indicator of Devadatta’s house. In Advaita Vedanta
difference is not real - it is only a notion.
use an analogy that Advaita writers use compare space-in-a-pot and external
space. The pot is only an external denomination of the space. It puts a
notional limit on space. But if the pot is destroyed or removed from its place
- the space that was occupied by that pot is not destroyed or moved. The
space-in-the-pot and the space without were always identical. Notional concepts
cannot create a difference where there is none; they only appear to create a
difference - which may be useful for practical purposes. When these notional
limitors are negated - identity remains as the remainder of the negation. The
same is the case with the individual self and universal self (Ishvara). As
Shankara explains the limitors of the two are different hence from the
practical point of view Ishvara is different from Jiva. In the Upanishadic
statement - That Thou Art - That signifies Ishvara, Thou signifies Jiva and Is
(Art) signifies Identity. But the sentence is not a contradiction. For when the
limiting adjuncts of the two are negated - Brahman is what remains as the
remainder of the negations. In this sense the two are identical.
is imperative to understand - Brahman and the world are polar opposites - they
represent two in-commensurable points of view. Even when we say that Brahman is
the substratum of the world illusion we ascribe a false notion to Brahman.
Brahman ever evades being caught up in the nets of our concepts. There is no
passage from illusion to reality - illusion has to be negated in order to get
at what is real. This is what Advaita Vedanta believes.
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