The epistemological question of what we know, how do we know are inextricably bound to the question of the ‘special status’ of human beings – in what way are human beings rational animals? Is rationality a difference in kind or degree between human beings and animals? To answer the epistemological question we have to reflect upon the rational capacities of human beings and then to articulate this understanding of understanding. The point here is that the question of the validity of knowledge with which science is concerned and the question of the nature of human being and human rationality are intimately related and one is bound to have influence on the other. To use Sellars’ words the manifest image of human being and the scientific image of human being, the question of what we can know and the question what is, cannot be severed apart from one another. If for instance a scientist like Benjamin Libet tells us that human beings have no free will, it will be no consolation to know...
For Those Who Love Philosophy